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I Don't Care About Your Brand...

A strange thing to say as that’s what I seem to be offering. However, the point I want to make is that in helping your company to grow, reclaim market share, or get customers excited to buy, your brand is not your friend.


Except that in most cases we want people to love our brands and for customers to be impressed with us. 


But this is not the purpose of a brand.


Brands are a commercial instrument and tool used to generate revenue. Or at least they should be.


Brands are not a representation of you. Your success is. 


That’s not to say that you should settle for a brand that you’re not comfortable with. If you don’t like your brand, you may not be enthusiastic about promoting it.


This then begs the question - what is a brand?


On the surface, it’s colours and logos.


Dig a little deeper, and it’s slogans and consistency of style.


However, when you get to the crux of it, it’s habits, behaviours and decision making.


Some of the most successful brands I’ve helped develop are the result of disagreements, heated debate, and hard work. Rarely is it about logos.


I am only interested in one thing - to propel your organisation forward. I’m not interested in design or strategy that boosts the ego.


My relevancy is dependant on your success.


I care about you, your business and your objectives - your brand is simply the tool you use to get there. We will work together to turn your brand into an effective strategic instrument that gets you the results you need.


I genuinely believe that what you’re doing or producing is exceptional, improving lives and helping your customer. The problem is how the market is receiving that - the problem is that conventional marketing and process tells us to sell positives, promote benefits and the like.


It’s killing your potential, not because you’re lying, but because it's just not enough. It’s no longer convincing.


Being competitive is not enough in this economy.


This just means you come up to standard and that you can probably do the job. You’ll be asked to quote, to send some literature and your phone calls might be taken.


What if budgets are tight, if customers are highly discerning, sceptical and willing to shop around?


Customer loyalty is fragile and usually a result of convenience. Who's coming up behind you?


Market share is the prize of those willing to be distinctive.

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